Dear Walnut Creek families, please know that I am here to assist you. Please contact me with any questions you have about books, other resources, or our school. - Heather Stephens, librarian,
Estimadas familias de Walnut Creek, sepan que estoy aquí para ayudarlos. Comuníquese conmigo si tiene alguna pregunta sobre libros, otros recursos o nuestra escuela. - Heather Stephens, bibliotecaria,
What books do we have available in our school library?
Free Online Reading Resouces / Recursos gratuitos para la lectura en casa
- Unite for Literacy
- Storyline Online
- Storyweaver
- Bookspring Digital Library English
- Bookspring Digital Library Spanish
Where can I buy affordable books?
- At Austin Public Library's Recycled Reads bookstore, most books are under $2.00, with most children's books costing only 50 cents!
How can I support the Walnut Creek Elementary library?
- Make an online donation!
- Shop our Amazon wishlist!
- If you would like to make a donation of books or other materials, please contact me at
What is the closest branch of the Austin Public Library?
- The Little Walnut Creek branch is closest to our school. Most Austin ISD students already have an Austin Public Library account!