Eagle News
Summer breakfast and lunch menus / Menús de desayuno y almuerzo de verano!
Check out our summer breakfast and lunch menus! We will offer these healthy, tasty, student-favorites at 38 Austin ISD schools this summer.
May Teacher of the Month and Staff Member of the Month / Maestro del mes de mayo y a la miembro del personal del mes
Before heading off into summer, we want to recognize our May Teacher of the Month, Coach Roeber, and Staff Member of the Month, Ms. Salazar, for their commitment and love to teaching of our students and teachers!
Congratulations to our Marathon Kids grand champions! / ¡Felicitaciones a los campeones del Marathon Kids!
Congratulations to our Marathon Kids grand champions! These students ran the most miles this year. Each one received a medal with their names engraved on them to demonstrate this great accomplishment. Way to keep active, Eagles !